Monitoring Tasks

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task frequency who (starting Aug '13) who (through July '13)
from qateam cron
ask Galt/Jim about blat updates 3x per year Pauline, Steve, Jonathan Pauline, Steve, Jonathan
Respond to items on the broken links report: Check to make sure that broken links reported are actually broken. If so, fix the link if it is clear what the new link should be and push to the RR. If not, contact the appropriate person at the web site in question to find out what the new link should be. daily Matt Steve
Respond to the trackDbGlobal report: Make public and request a push of trackDb and friends for any assemblies that show up as changed in the trackDbGlobal report. weekly Luvina Steve
receive output from hgTracksRandom cron; alert admins to problems as needed many: kuhn, pauline, katrina, brianlee, braney, luvina, gary, ann, steve, jcasper, matt many: kuhn, rhead, pauline, katrina, brianlee, braney, luvina, gary, ann, steve, jcasper
receive output from gbLoaded cron job and alert braney if anything seems very outdated daily, problems every 3-6 months Steve, Jonathan Brooke, Steve, Jonathan
receive output from showProcesslist.csh daily, no action Steve, Jonathan Brooke, Steve, Jonathan
get output from checkTableStatus.csh on Mondays (this is a report on whether the genbank table dumps are up-to-date...if we could get rid of our dependence on those, we could get rid of this cron job) weekly Steve, Jonathan Brooke, Steve, Jonathan
get an email from backupCentral.csh each month (there's a redmine ticket on whether we should change this one: monthly Steve, Jonathan Brooke, Steve, Jonathan
receive an email on additions and subtractions to files in /gbdb on hgnfs1 daily Steve, Jonathan Brooke, Steve, Jonathan
receive an email from cron if qateam DailySandboxUpdate fails daily Steve, Jonathan Brooke, Steve, Jonathan
receive output from checkMetaAday.csh; alert (steve, jcasper) if anything is out of sync (checks that tables are in sync between beta and RR for database of the day) daily Matt Luvina
receive output from syncAday.csh; alert (steve, jcasper) if anything is out of sync (compares hgcentralbeta to hgcentral for db of the day) daily Brian Luvina
get output from checkGenomeMysql daily Steve, Jonathan Brooke, Steve, Jonathan
from build cron
receive cron output for tableDescriptions build errors rare Pauline, Matt Brooke, Pauline
from galt's cron
run ReleaseLog script (this requires a copy of the kent repository) daily Galt (if QA takes this over, Pauline will do it) Galt
back up the qapushq every 30 minutes during the work day/week Galt Galt
from braney's cron
braney has a cron that runs /cluster/bin/x86_64/hubPublicCheck and complains when the hubPublic table doesn't have the same strings as the actual hub.txt file. This should be claimed by a QAer and transferred to the qateam cron. runs daily, complains rarely? Brian Lee braney
braney has a cron that runs /hive/data/outside/otto/omim/ that checks for new OMIM data and downloads and loads it into hgwdev if so runs daily, complains bi-weekly braney
braney has a cron that runs /hive/data/outside/otto/decipher/ that checks for new DECIPHER data and downloads and loads it into hgwdev if so runs daily, complains monthly braney
braney has a cron that runs /hive/data/outside/otto/isca/ that checks for new ISCA data and downloads and loads it into hgwdev if so runs daily, complains monthly braney
braney has a cron that runs /hive/data/outside/otto/gwas/ that checks for new GWAS data and downloads and loads it into hgwdev if so runs daily, complains quarterly braney
from ann's cron
Ann has a cron that sends a reminder to check the list of folks who have mirror sites. This list is created by a script of Hiram's and located here: The information comes from the phoneHome program in the CGIs. Sometimes companies set up mirrors, which is not OK. monthly Pauline Ann
non-cron jobs
Check old forum ( for MLQs that may have slipped through the cracks: Check to make sure that the last response for every ticket came from one of us. If not, look it up in redmine to ensure that A) there is indeed a redmine ticket for it, and B) it has been responded to. If not, notify the appropriate MLM with as much information about the MLQ as possible. weekly Luvina Steve
update sla.html whenever we have RR downtime hopefully, not much! Steve, Jonathan Brooke, Pauline
update the two crontabs in genecats/qa/crontabs/*.crontab (and log in as qateam and restart the qateam crontab with updates) as needed Pauline, Jonathan Brooke, Pauline
Check genome-preview with Selenium test, ensures various big ENCODE tracks are accessible, and that machine is still running weekly Brian Brian
Receive validation checks on ENCODE cv.ra metadata, but won't change unless cv.ra changes rare/never Brian Brian
Update broken links from cron on hgEncodeVocab/cv.ra checkLinks rare, fixes needed about once a month Brian Brian