Windows testing machine

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We have a remotely accessible Windows machine to use for testing CGIs, bug fixes, new features, etc, on the Windows 7 operating system.

Basic Usage Info

  • The machine name/location is:
  • The first time you use this machine, you will need to be added to the list of approved users who are allowed to login. You can do this by submitting an IT ticket. At this point Eric Shell is the person in SoE who administers the machine.
  • One important thing to remember is that only one person can be logged in at a time. So, if you don't log out (even if you haven't used it for several days), nobody else will be able to log in.
  • If you have trouble logging in, then go to this page and "reset" your password (you don't have to change it but just give it a kickstart by retyping your old password in the new password text box):
  • The machine is physically located in room 505 by the door to the Intron Lounge, but in theory we never need to touch it. In case the power goes out, it is set up to turn itself back on automatically.
  • If you are unable to connect to the machine and getting an error like "The connection timed out." You may need to use NetExtender VPN client to hurdle firewall rules.

Installed Software

This is not a complete list, but this machine has at least the below applications installed.

Web Browsers:

  • IE 9
  • FF 12.0
  • Chrome 19.0.x

Testing software:

  • Selenium server

Other software:

  • OpenSSH
  • Cygwin
  • Oracle VM Virtual Box

Off-campus/Wireless login with Virtual Private Network (VPN)

If you are off-campus or on-campus using wireless (except for edu-roam) and want to log in to the Windows machine, you first need to establish a VPN connection to SOE. For details see SOE's VPN Account Management page, where there are links to download and install OpenVPN VPN Client.

Once you are VPN'ed in, you can use the directions for your OS below to connect to the Windows machine.

Logging in from Mac OS X

Using Microsoft's Remote Desktop Connection Client

If you have a newer version of Microsoft Office installed, you should already have this application in your Applications folder. If you do not have it installed, you can download the client from Microsoft: Remote Desktop Connection Client for Mac Download.

To log in:

  1. Open the "Remote Desktop Connection" application
  2. Enter Computer: '' and click Connect.
  3. For username enter "soe\username"
  4. Use your regular SoE password
  5. Say "yes" to the warning: The server name on the certificate is incorrect
  6. Be patient while it sets up your desktop for the first time.

Hint: to save your log in info and use it as the default when you open the app, go RDC > Preferences > Login and use the above information.

To log out, just quit the RDC program; there may be a more graceful way to exit.

If you have trouble logging in try resetting your SOE password. Also if you are using a wireless connection other than edu-roam, you will need to use the OpenVPN VPN client first before being able to connect, you can install it here. Once installed, an icon on the top bar will appear, click it and connect to

Using CoRD

You can also use CoRD, an open source Remote Desktop Client for Mac OS X:

Logging in from Windows

For instructions on using Remote Desktop Connection from Windows, click on the version of Windows you are running (well, sorta):

  • Windows 7
  • Windows Vista - use the Windows 7 tutorial above, but access RDC by clicking Start > Applications > Accessories > Remote Desktop Connection

Logging in from Linux

  • Ask admins to install rdesktop
  • At the prompt type: rdesktop, or:
    • for full screen: rdesktop -f
    • for a size that's 80% of your current screen: rdesktop -g 80%
    • to specify WxH: rdesktop -g 1440x900
  • Click "other user"
  • For user type soe\username (it must be include the "soe\") and use your soe pwd
  • Click enter

To logout go to the bottom left windows icon, click "logoff" then disconnect. (Alternatively if you aren't in full screen mode you can just ctrl-c from the terminal where you ran rdesktop)


This machine is administered by the SoE Admins. If you have problems with the machine, file an IT Request: As of June 2013 wireless access requires OpenVPN VPN client for access.

Steps to create a Virtual Machine to test older versions of IE on Mac

Creating a Virtual Machine on a Mac are outlined here.