Assembly Release QA Steps

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Revision as of 21:55, 19 September 2016 by Cath (talk | contribs)
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Page created Fall. 2016 by Cath , Jairo, and ChrisV.

This page is currently a draft in progress.
For now, use Releasing_an_assembly instead.

Welcome to the Assembly Release: QA Steps page! 😀

For the UCSC Genome Browser QA Team, there are two types of genome assemblies:

  1. New species: Assembly for a species that is not already exisiting as a browser.
  2. New version for exisiting species: Assembly version for a species that already exists as a browser.

When a new or updated assembly is ready to QA, the QA team should

  1. Perform assembly QA steps
  2. Perform assembly release steps (from dev > beta > public sites)
Wrapping of end-quotemark plus &#160:
"The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dogs"  (typewriter exercise).