Assembly QA Part 2 Track Steps

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This page is currently a draft in progress. For now, use Releasing an assembly instead.

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Assembly QA Part 1: DEV Steps
Assembly QA Part 2: Track Steps
Assembly QA Part 3: BETA Steps
Assembly QA Part 4: RR Steps
Assembly QA Part 5: Post Release Steps

Setup: Populate spreadsheet steps for dev

Add the following formula to your spreadsheet to automatically populate dev steps based on each step listed as a wiki section.

You can add this formula to the same spreadsheet as your dev steps, in the next empty row after all of your dev steps. It will then populate all of the "Track Steps."
If you prefer, you can create a new tab in your spreadsheet and paste in this formula after your row 1 field names:
A2 (or the next available row in col A following your dev steps)
=HYPERLINK(""&SUBSTITUTE(B2," ", "_"),"link")
IMPORTANT: Drag the formula for "A" down the spreadsheet to populate the other rows.
B2 (or the next available row in col B following your dev steps)
=IMPORTXML("", "/html/body/div/div/div/div/div/h4/span/span")

This formula will populate all the rows below it with the wiki section titles. You do no need to drag this formula down.

Dev: Run featureBits on gold/gap

Run featureBits to verify that the gold and gap tables together cover the entire genome. Run:

 featureBits -countGaps -or $db gold gap

to make sure that the gold and gap table together cover the entire genome (should be 100%).


featureBits -countGaps -or manPen1 gold gap
2204741241 bases of 2204741241 (100.000%) in intersection

You can run each table separately to see the coverage of each table on the genome:

featureBits -countGaps manPen1 gold
1999066070 bases of 2204741241 (90.671%) in intersection

featureBits -countGaps manPen1 gap
205675171 bases of 2204741241 (9.329%) in intersection

Tracks Step 2

🔵 Done with TRACK steps? Go to Assembly QA Part 3: BETA Steps