SNP Track QA
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If you have any general questions about snps this is a good resource: In addition to the SNP-specific checks on this page, be sure to follow the new track checklist, too.
- look at mysql tables
- check that the number of exceptions listed in snp###Exceptions and snp###ExceptionDesc match
- make sure that there are no exceptions in the snp###Exceptions that do not also exist in the snp###ExceptionDesc table
- If possible, compare to old SNP tables for this species. Look for big jumps in the number of different func types of SNPs as well as the number and type of exceptions.
- check that func types in snp### table are documented in the html, both in the methods and in the check boxes. If there are new func types, make sure they are displayed correctly in the browser
- check that the weights column in snp### are only 1,2 or 3
- look the names of the snps. Make sure that they make sense (no extraneous ones, all lower case, etc). The checkHgFindSpec tool with the -checkTermRegex option will check that all of the names in the snp### table match the regular expression specified in trackDb. There is not an option to run it on a single table, so just run it on the whole database and look for output specific to the snp table. For instance:
checkHgFindSpec -checkTermRegex hg19
- check settings (hgTrackUi and clicking on individual snp)
- make sure that all settings that you can select for are present in mysql tables and vice versa
- make sure that methods mention all func types that you can select in trackUi
- check that can turn different gene tracks on in the trackUi
- look at featureBits/Coverage for main snp table as well as the dbCoding and the ortho table. Also check coverage of haplo chromosomes.
- see how coverage compares to old snp track if possible. Also when open up the track, most snps should match to the same place (though some will change)
- make sure appropriate entries in hgFindSpec (this is very important for snps since the table is so large). Check that entries in hgFindSpec work by searching for some snps.
- make sure track "turns off" when viewing large regions (table too large to load for large regions)
- look at large snp insertions/deletions and check that display correctly in hgTracks and hgTrackUi
- description
- make sure external files mentioned at the end of the html page exist at ncbi
- default position - is it turned on by default?
- if this is a human assembly, make sure there are downloads for "Masked FASTA Files (human assemblies only)"
- push tableDescriptions and hgFindSpec
- edit trackDb.ra so that old snp track is hidden by default if needed
- make announcement on genome announce
- notify Mark D so he can update LS-SNP
- notify Galt so he can default to most current snp track in genome graphs