Versioned Track Hubs

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How to work with the 'versioned' track hub settings

What these mean for engineers:

1) Since every trackDb setting in the doc is now assigned a level (described in the intro of the trackDbHub doc)...

-> When you add a new setting, you will need to set it to 'level-new'.

Next time the doc is versioned, we will evaluate the new settings for assignment to a level.

2) As the doc is now parsed by hubCheck to verify settings...

-> After adding a setting to the doc, you will need to run 'hubCheck -settings' to see if your addition is formatted correctly.

To list all v1 settings (with levels) on genome-test, run

hubCheck -settings -test

The README.txt in the trackDb docs dir has been extended to include these steps with the new information in step 3. $ cat ~kent/src/hg/htdocs/goldenPath/help/trackDb/README.txt

Also see the long comment at the top of trackDbLibrary.shtml for details head -n 125 ~kent/src/hg/htdocs/goldenPath/help/trackDb/trackDbLibrary.shtml