Versioned Track Hubs

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This page exists as a reminder to engineers on how to approach the new versioned track hub documentation.

How to work with the 'versioned' track hub settings

1) Since every trackDb setting in the doc is now assigned a level (described in the intro of the trackDbHub doc)...

-> When you add a new setting, you will need to set it to 'level-new'.

Next time the doc is versioned, we will evaluate the new settings for assignment to a level.

2) As the doc is now parsed by hubCheck to verify settings...

-> After adding a setting to the doc, you will need to run hubCheck -settings to see if your addition is formatted correctly.

To list all settings (with levels) on genome-test, run

hubCheck -settings -test

The README.txt in the trackDb docs dir has been extended to include these steps with the new information in step 3.

cat ~kent/src/hg/htdocs/goldenPath/help/trackDb/README.txt

Also see the long comment at the top of trackDbLibrary.shtml for details

head -n 125 ~kent/src/hg/htdocs/goldenPath/help/trackDb/trackDbLibrary.shtml


The versioning applies to the hub spec only. If a new setting is added, the 'meat' is indeed in the trackDbLibrary.shtml file, but the level is set in the trackDbHub.html file (only needed if we are supporting the setting for hub use). All new hub-able settings should be set at (surprisingly) 'level-new'. And developer should validate their doc file changes for correct format using 'hubCheck -settings -version=<your-file> such as http://hgwdev-<user>/goldenPath/help/trackDb/trackDbHub.v1.html The option -test will use the version on dev.



Here's a way to try to help show how these pages work:

    (shared text)
trackDbLibrary.shtml  ---> trackDbDoc.html
      \------------------> trackDbHub.v#.html
                               /|\  /|\ 
trackDbDoc.css -----------------|    |
 (shared style & JavaScript)

The page uses JavaScript Classes making things a bit more confusing than a normal page. Because of this, one is often left wondering what is exactly happening, reading Tim's intro to the trackDbLibrary.shtml page attempts to provide some context. This example below will attempt to help.

Specific example of spectrum on

This section will look at how the text for the spectrum setting propagates from trackDbLibrary.shtm' when referenced in the trackDbDoc.html Doc and the trackDbHub.v#.html Hub page.

trackDbLibrary.shtml source of spectrum text

In the trackDbLibrary.shtml you will find this text that defines a class="spectrum" with the below code. The text in this section will be shared in the trackDbDoc.html and trackDbHub.v#.html documents.

<DIV class="spectrum"><span class="types all"></span>
<div class="format">
    <code>spectrum on</code><BR>
    <code>scoreMax <integer></code><BR>
    <code>scoreMin <integer></code></div>
    <P>Replaces <code>useScore</code>.</P>
    <P>If your track is a
    <code>bed 5</code> or greater, then the standard bed <code>score</code>
    field exists.  This score, which is expected to vary from 0-1000,
    can be used to control the shading of bed items drawn in the Browser
    image.  To activate this feature, set <code>spectrum on</code>.
    Lower scores will be shaded in light gray by default, while higher
    scores will trend towards black.  This can be modified in a number of ways:</P>
<!-- The below statement about color and altColor is not accurate and removed 1/4/17                                                            
    <LI> <code><A onclick="jumpTo(this)" HREF="#">color</A></code>                                                                              
    can be used to replace gray scale with a color scale</LI>                                                                                   
    <LI> <code><A onclick="jumpTo(this)" HREF="#">altColor</A></code>                                                                           
    with <code><A onclick="jumpTo(this)" HREF="#">color</A></code> can vary items from                                                          
    color to altColor</LI>                                                                                                                      
    <LI><code><A onclick="jumpTo(this)" HREF="#">minGrayLevel</A></code>
    can be used to set the level of the lightest shade</LI>
    <LI> <code>scoreMin</code>
    and <code>scoreMax</code> can be used to define the lower and upper limits of
    the range that will receive graded shading</LI>
    spectrum on
    scoreMin 700
    scoreMax 900
    color 0,0,128    < / pre>
    <P>In this example, the track description will be
    displayed in blue, but the track will remain a gray scale.
    Items with scores less than or equal to 700 will be shown in very
    light gray, those with scores between 700 and 900 will display
    in increasingly darker shades of gray, and items with
    scores greater than or equal to 900 above will display in black.</P>

trackDbDoc.html reference to the spectrum text

In the trackDbDoc.html document the class="spectrum" information is referenced in two spots.

Under the bed section link to trackDbDoc.html bed section.

<A name="bed"><A name="bigBed"></A>
    <TR VALIGN=TOP><TD class="spectrum">
            <A name="spectrum"></A>
            <A name="scoreMax"></A>
            <A name="scoreMin"></A><IMG class='toggle detail'>
        <div class="format">
            <code>spectrum on</code><BR>
            <code>scoreMax <integer></code><BR>
            <code>scoreMin <integer></code></div>

And under the chain section link to trackDbDoc.html chain section

<A name="chain"><A name="netAlign"></A>
    <TR VALIGN=TOP><TD class="spectrum"><IMG class='toggle detail'>
        <div class="format"><code>spectrum on</code></div>