#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w use strict; use HTTP::Request::Common; use LWP::UserAgent; use HTTP::Cookies; # doc for above classes at: # http://cpan.uwinnipeg.ca/htdocs/libwww-perl/HTTP/Request/Common.html # http://cpan.uwinnipeg.ca/htdocs/libwww-perl/HTTP/Request.html # http://cpan.uwinnipeg.ca/htdocs/libwww-perl/LWP/UserAgent.html my $argc = @ARGV; # arg count my $firstTime = 1; my $batchCount = 25; # number of sequences to submit in one request my $batchNum = 1; # batch number my $sleepTime = 120; # seconds to sleep after request returned # searchType is BLAT's guess, DNA, protein, translated RNA, translated DNA my ($org, $db, $searchType, $sortOrder, $FName, $outputType, $outFile); ($org, $db, $searchType, $sortOrder, $FName, $outputType, $outFile) = @ARGV; sub Usage() { print "usage: BlatBot.pl "; print " \n"; print "\tSpecify organism using the common name with first letter"; print "capitalized.\n"; print "\te.g. Human, Mouse, Rat etc.\n"; print "\tDb is database or assembly name e.g hg17, mm5, rn3 etc.\n"; print "\tsearchType can be BLATGuess, DNA, RNA, transDNA or transRNA\n"; print "\tsortOrder can be query,score; query,start; chrom,score;\n"; print "\tchrom,start; score.\n"; print "\toutputType can be pslNoHeader, psl or hyperlink.\n"; print "\tblats will be run in groups of $batchCount sequences, all\n"; print "\toutput going to the specified output file.\n"; } if ($argc != 7) { Usage; exit 255; } if ($searchType eq "BLATGuess") { $searchType = "Blat's Guess"; } elsif ($searchType eq "transDNA") { $searchType = "translated DNA"; } elsif ($searchType eq "transRNA") { $searchType = "translated RNA"; } elsif (($searchType eq "DNA") || ($searchType eq "RNA")) { } else { print "ERROR: have not specified an acceptable search type - it should be BLATGuess, transDNA, transRNA, DNA or RNA."; Usage; exit 255; } if ($outputType eq "pslNoHeader") { $outputType = "psl no header"; } elsif (($outputType eq "psl") || ($outputType eq "hyperlink")) { } else { print "ERROR: have not specified an acceptable output type - it should be pslNoHeader, psl or hyperlink."; Usage; exit 255; } my $response; my $url = 'http://genome.soe.ucsc.edu/cgi-bin/hgBlat'; my $cookieFile = '/tmp/blatCookies'; my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new; # set agent name $ua->agent("botBlat"); $ua->timeout(600); # 10 minute time-out # initialize cookies, this creates a file with the hguid so it can be reused # for each batch and therefore prevent userDb from filling up $ua->cookie_jar(HTTP::Cookies->new(file => $cookieFile, autosave => 1)); print "\nSet up cookie jar in $cookieFile\n\n"; open (FH, "<$FName") or die "Can not open $FName"; my $seqCount = 0; my $fasta = ""; my $hgsid = 0; sub oneBatch() { open (OUT,">>$outFile") or die "Can not open output file $outFile"; print STDERR "Running sequences ...\n"; # if an hgsid was obtained from the output of the first batch # then use this. if ($hgsid) { $response = $ua->request(POST $url, [org=>$org, db=>$db, type=>$searchType, sort=>$sortOrder, output=>$outputType, userSeq=>$fasta, hgsid=>$hgsid]); } else { $response = $ua->request(POST $url, [org=>$org, db=>$db, type=>$searchType, sort=>$sortOrder, output=>$outputType, userSeq=>$fasta]); } if ($response->is_success) { print OUT $response->content; } else { print STDERR "did not receive an is_success, dying, content is:"; print STDERR $response->content; print OUT $response->content; die $response->status_line; } close OUT; } sub getHgsid { my ($file, $line, $hgsid, $found); $file = shift; $hgsid = 0; $found = 0; # open output file and parse out hgsid and reuse this for each batch # to stop the sessionDb filling up print STDERR "Opening output file $file to retrieve hgsid\n"; open(FILE, "<$file") || die "Can not open $file: $!\n"; while () { $line = $_; if ($line =~ m/hgsid=([0-9]+)/ && (! $found)) { $hgsid = $1; $found = 1; } if ($found) { close FILE; return $hgsid; } } return $hgsid; } my $lineCount = 0; my $line = ; ++$lineCount; while ($line) { if ($line =~ m/^>/) { ++$seqCount; $fasta = $fasta . $line; $line = ; ++$lineCount; while ($line) { if ($line =~ m/^>.*/) { last; }; $fasta = $fasta . $line; $line = ; ++$lineCount; } } else { print STDERR "ERROR: got lost in the fasta record ? line: $lineCount\n"; print STDERR "$line"; exit 255; } if ($seqCount >= $batchCount) { if (! $firstTime) { sleep ($sleepTime); if ($batchNum == 1) { $hgsid = getHgsid($outFile); } $batchNum++; } $firstTime = 0; oneBatch; $fasta = ""; $seqCount = 0; } } # possible last one if ($seqCount > 0) { sleep ($sleepTime); oneBatch; } close (OUT); close (FH);