#!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; use warnings; my $argc = scalar(@ARGV); if ($argc != 3) { printf STDERR "usage: ./adjustSizes \n"; exit 255; } my $genomesDir = "/some/directory/genomes"; my %chrSize1; my %chrSize2; my $db1 = shift; my $db2 = shift; my $N = shift; my $overallSize2 = 0; my $overallSize1 = 0; my $adjustedSize1 = 0; my $adjustedSize2 = 0; open (FH, "<$genomesDir/$db1/chrom.sizes") or die "can not read $db1/chrom.sizes"; while (my $line = ) { chomp $line; my ($name, $size) = split('\s+', $line); $chrSize1{$name} = $size; } close (FH); open (FH, "<$genomesDir/$db2/chrom.sizes") or die "can not read $db2/chrom.sizes"; while (my $line = ) { chomp $line; my ($name, $size) = split('\s+', $line); $chrSize2{$name} = $size; } close (FH); open (DB1, ">$db1.toFetch.$N.bed") or die "can not write to $db1.$db2/$db1.toFetch.$N.bed"; open (DB2, ">$db2.toFetch.$N.bed") or die "can not write to $db1.$db2/$db2.toFetch.$N.bed"; my $upstreamPad = 5000; open (FH, "paste $db1.selected.$N.bed $db2.selected.$N.bed|") or die "can not paste two lists"; while (my $line = ) { chomp $line; my ($name1, $start1, $end1, $name1a, $strand1, $name2, $start2, $end2, $name2a, $strand2) = split('\s+', $line); if ($strand1 eq '-') { $end1 += $upstreamPad; $end1 = $chrSize1{$name1} if ($end1 > $chrSize1{$name1}); } else { $start1 -= $upstreamPad; $start1 = 0 if ($start1 < 0); } if ($strand2 eq '-') { $end2 += $upstreamPad; $end2 = $chrSize2{$name2} if ($end2 > $chrSize2{$name2}); } else { $start2 -= $upstreamPad; $start2 = 0 if ($start2 < 0); } my $size1 = $end1 - $start1; my $size2 = $end2 - $start2; $overallSize1 += $size1; $overallSize2 += $size2; if ($size1 > $size2) { my $halfDiff = (1 + $size1 - $size2)/2; $start2 -= $halfDiff; $end2 += $halfDiff; if ($start2 < 0) { $end2 -= $start2; $start2 = 0; } if ($end2 > $chrSize2{$name2}) { $end2 = $chrSize2{$name2}; } my $newSize2 = $end2 - $start2; if ($newSize2 < ($size1 - 1)) { my $sizeDiff = $size1 - $newSize2; printf STDERR "# warning: %s too small by: %d\n", $name2, $sizeDiff; } } elsif ($size2 > $size1) { my $halfDiff = (1 + $size2 - $size1)/2; $start1 -= $halfDiff; $end1 += $halfDiff; if ($start1 < 0) { $end1 -= $start1; $start1 = 0; } if ($end1 > $chrSize1{$name1}) { $end1 = $chrSize1{$name1}; } my $newSize1 = $end1 - $start1; if ($newSize1 < ($size2 - 1)) { my $sizeDiff = $size2 - $newSize1; printf STDERR "# warning: %s too small by: %d\n", $name1, $sizeDiff; } } $adjustedSize1 += $end1 - $start1; $adjustedSize2 += $end2 - $start2; # printf "%s\t%d\t%d\t%s\t%s\t%d\t%d\t%s\n", $name1, $start1, $end1, $name1a, # $name2, $start2, $end2, $name2a; printf DB1 "%s\t%d\t%d\t%s\n", $name1, $start1, $end1, $name1a; printf DB2 "%s\t%d\t%d\t%s\n", $name2, $start2, $end2, $name2a; } close (FH); close (DB1); close (DB2); printf "size1 incoming: %d, adjusted: %d\n", $overallSize1, $adjustedSize1; printf "size2 incoming: %d, adjusted: %d\n", $overallSize2, $adjustedSize2;