Make your own virtual space
From genomewiki
So you want to have your own copies of the binaries and your own browser? Here is a walkthrough:
Request a "virtual space" from the cluster-admins:
This includes, among other things, adding a block to the file /usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf
<VirtualHost> ServerName ServerAlias hgwdev-kayla ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ "/usr/local/apache/cgi-bin-kayla/" </VirtualHost>
Populate my /usr/local/apache/cgi-bin-kayla/ directory for the first time by doing the following:
From my home directory on hgwdev /cluster/home/kayla I type the following things:
[kayla@hgwdev ~]$cd kent [kayla@hgwdev ~/kent]$ cvsup [kayla@hgwdev ~/kent]$ cd src [kayla@hgwdev src]$ make libs [kayla@hgwdev src]$ cd hg [kayla@hgwdev hg]$ make cgi [kayla@hgwdev hg]$ cd makeDb/trackDb [kayla@hgwdev trackDb]$ make update
I now have my own compiled version of the cgis.
Edit my /usr/local/apache.cgi-bin-kayla/hg.conf:
- You can copy this file from another user, but make sure to replace their name with your name in the appropriate (4) places.
- Pay attention to the following lines (they will need to be edited or added): central.cookie=hguid.hgwdev-kayla
- Also play with the line:
browser.background=/images/floret.jpg to change what background your browser displays.
- here is a generic [image:floret.jpg] file you can download and edit.
Keep it current:
Here is a script (makeBinaries.csh) that you can copy and paste into your ~kayla/bin directory to make your binaries every night:
#!/bin/tcsh if ($HOST != hgwdev) then echo "\n this must be run from hgwdev!\n" endif cd ~/kent/src make clean > dev/null cd ~/kent /cluster/bin/scripts/cvsup | mail -s 'CVS update report on kent tree' kayla cd ~/kent/src make libs cd ~/kent/src/hg make cgi cd ~/kent/src/hg/makeDb/trackDb make update
Automate it:
Set up a cronjob: