CSHL 2015 Computational and Comparative Genomics
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Class Project
transfer data from student's laptop to CSHL
Transferring data to class: On student's laptop where the data exists, verify enough disk space for this operation: $ cd # cd with no argument will go to HOME $ df -h . # verify disk space available in this directory == on this filesystem Filesystem Size Used Avail Capacity iused ifree %iused Mounted on /dev/disk1 233Gi 226Gi 6.1Gi 98% 59386162 1592652 97% / # looks like 6 Gb free ^^^^^ Go to the directory of data to transfer $ cd oenothera Measure the amount of data to package: $ du -hsc * 2.1G transcriptomes 2.1G total Total data is 2.1 Gb, the tar image compression will help. Generate compressed tar image of this directory: $ tar -cvzf $HOME/toCSHL.tgz ./ tar command arguments: c - create tar file v - verbose, show what is being packaged z - compress (gzip) while making tar image f - file name of tar image to construct ./ - package up everyting in this directory Take a look at the resulting file: $ cd # return to home directory where the result file is $ ls -l *.tgz -rw-rw-r-- 1 hclawson staff 770380941 Oct 29 22:26 toCSHL.tgz It is now only 735 Mb of compressed data: $ du -hsc *.tgz 735M toCSHL.tgz Transfer this file to the workstation at CSHL $ scp -p toCSHL.tgz hclawson@ecg15.cshl.edu:. scp option '-p' means preserve date/time stamps on the file so it will appear identical in the copy. Magic hand-waving here since there are various pathways through the networking here from wifi laptop connections to the class workstations. Talk with Dan for correct connection procedures. Now, on the desktop machines for the class, in the home directory, unpack the tar image here: $ mkdir oenothera $ cd oenothera $ tar xvzf ../toCSHL.tgz $ ls -l total 80 drwxr-xr-x 1 hclawson staff 330 Oct 29 21:47 transcriptomes
survey names in sequences
To use the UCSC genome browser to view this work, it is helpful to reduce the very long names in the transcriptome fasta sequence that were constructed by the assembler. A pattern is seen in the names that suggests a substitution algorithm. They all start with: >Locus_<sequenceNumber>_otherBusiness or >NODE_<sequenceNumber>_otherBusiness The <sequenceNumber> identifiers appear to be unique within each fasta sequence, thus, the Locus_ or NODE_ can be replaced with a name related to the transcript, and the _otherBusiness can be discarded. $ awk -F'_' '{print $1}' all.contig.names.txt | sort | uniq -c 1985474 >Locus 1228519 >NODE As a test, constructing fasta with those short names: $ cd ~/oentothera/transcriptomes/assemblies find . -type f | sed -e 's#^./##;' | grep fasta | while read F do B=`basename ${F}` D=`dirname ${F}` id=`echo $D | sed -e 's/-.*//;'` printf "%s %s\n" "${id}" "${B}" 1>&2 sed -e "s#^>Locus_#>${id}.#; s#^>NODE_#>${id}.#; s#_.*##;" ${F} done | gzip -c > $HOME/all.contigs.fa.gz # verify nothing lost (using kent command line programs from ~/bin/) # from the original source $ faSize */*fasta* 1354344256 bases (51622 N's 1354292634 real 1351051824 upper 3240810 lower) in 3213993 sequences in 63 files # to the short name contigs: $ cd $ $ faSize all.contigs.fa.gz 1354344256 bases (51622 N's 1354292634 real 1351051824 upper 3240810 lower) in 3213993 sequences in 1 files # same numbers, nothing lost