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- !/usr/bin/gawk -f
- max 6/06
if (ARGC==1 || ARGC>4) { print; print "Will change the seqname-fields of a bed file and" print "and will add a given offset to both start- and end-pos" print "fields of bed. Is used to project results from a program" print "that returned coordinates from 0...x to a given chromosome" print "If you specify a fasta-file as parameter, we will " print "read seqname/offset from the seqname-line of the fasta-file" print "It has to be in UCSC-style format, eg:" print " >seqname range=chr4:1012-1050" print "In this case seqname would be 'chr4' and offset '1012'. " print "If you add -r at the end, coordinates will be SUBSTRACTED" print "offset instead of added!" print "" print "SYNTAX:" print " bedproject <seqname> <offset>" print " bedproject <seqname> <offset> -r" print " bedproject <fasta-file>" print " bedproject <fasta-file> -r" print "EXAMPLE:" print " cat bla.bed | bedproject chr4 1204" print " cat bla.bed | bedproject bla.fa" exit 1 } OFS="\t" if (ARGV[ARGC-1]=="-r") { rev=1; ARGC-=1; }
if (ARGC==3) { seqname = ARGV[1] offset = ARGV[2] revOffset = ARGV[2] }
if (ARGC==2) { FS = " " getline < ARGV[1] split($2, range, "=") split(range[2], coords, ":") seqname = coords[1] split(coords[2], positions, "-") offset = positions[1] revOffset = positions[2] }
ARGV[1]="-" ARGC=2 }
/track/ { print; next;} /browser/ {print; next;}
/.*[a-z]+.*/ {
if ($2 < 0) { print "bedproject Error: negative position found!" > "/dev/stderr" exit 1 } if (rev==1) { if ($6=="+") { $6="-" } else if ($6=="-") { $6="+" } if (revOffset-$3 < 0) { dropped+=1; next } print seqname, revOffset-$3, revOffset-$2, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $ } else { if (offset+$2 < 0) { print "warning: dropping negative startpos feature" > "/dev/stderr" next } print seqname, offset+$2, offset+$3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10, $11, $ } }
END { if (dropped!=0) {
print "warning: dropped "dropped" negative startpos features" > } }