CGI Testing

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hgTracks, hgTrackUi, hgc

  1. The TrackCheck robot checks this pretty thoroughly
  2. manually check anything that has been an issue during the past 2-week release cycle
  3. to check hgTrackUis, start from the "Track/Assebmly Overview" from the QA portal here (don't forget to click on the number of the machine that you are testing)
  4. click on random tracks to check them


  1. Heather has a robot to check this CGI
  2. test one known gene - click off-site, check entire page
  3. test all possible paths among KG, PB, GS, VG (not that you wind up in mouse VG and need to use "Other Species" to get back to human.)


  1. use the test protocol for Gene Sorter from the QA portal


  1. Test all three methods of entering a CT: typed in, uploaded by file, URL.
  2. Test editing, deleting, adding, updating, HTML docs, etc.
  3. Test CTs in relation to the Table Browser.


  1. test the search box by entering a gene name
  2. check the zoom buttons
  3. check that the "Gene" link opens the correct gene details page, and that that "visiGene" link in that gene details page retrieves the correct images in visiGene
  4. pick an image and check all of the links for that page
  5. for images composed of several smaller images, check that the pane descriptions are displaying correctly
  6. (Note: the images from Mahoney are a subset of the MGI/Jax images. The Mahoney images should list two sources and should show two sets of acknowledgements.)


  1. check all drop-downs
  2. press on summary/stats button
  3. do an intersection with a couple of different output formats
  4. create a custom track in the browser


  1. check a "Protein FASTA" click-through from a UCSC Gene details page
  2. check a "CDS FASTA" click-through from a RefSeq Genes details page
  3. using the Table Browser, choose "CDS FASTA" as the output format


  1. perform both a nucleotide and a protein search with default settings
  2. make sure colors listed in description section are right
  3. zoom in on an alignment and test "View details of parts of alignment within browser window"
  4. try different sorts and output types
  5. make sure all the buttons work, including uploading a file


  1. test some perfectly matching primers
  2. vary settings and input primers and see if results make sense
  3. for human and mouse browsers, test the "UCSC Genes" target

hgLiftOver, hgConvert

  1. Test cases available in the database on hgwdev: qa.liftOverTestCases

pbGateway, pbGlobal, pbTracks

  1. general testing; click around
  2. enter a protein symbol
  3. review results page
  4. click into pbGlobal and check display



cartDump, cartReset

  1. check cart
  2. reset cart
  3. check cart again

See also: cart test protocol