CPG Islands

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UCSC uses a local copy of the CPG Island Ext software. The same as with the Genscan this works with hard masked sequence.

Hard mask

All masked sequence is converted to N's. UCSC runs this as a cluster job, although it is a simple loop if you are willing to wait. The gensub2 template is:

./runOne.csh $(root1) ../hardMaskedFa/$(lastDir1)/$(file1)

The runOne.csh script:

#!/bin/csh -ef
set chrom = $1
set result = $2
twoBitToFa /data/genomes/ricCom1/ricCom1.2bit:$chrom stdout \
 | maskOutFa stdin hard $result

C-shell script syntax here to manually construct a directory hierarchy to contain all the resulting hard masked fasta files and the chr.list file to use with gensub2:

mkdir -p /data/genomes/ricCom1/bed/cpgIslands/run.hardMask
cd /data/genomes/ricCom1/bed/cpgIslands/run.hardMask
mkdir -p ../hardMaskedFa
set perDirLimit = 4000
set ctgCount = `twoBitInfo /data/genomes/ricCom1/ricCom1.2bit stdout | wc -l`
set subDirCount = `echo $ctgCount | awk '{printf "%d", 1+$1/4000}'`
@ dirCount = 0
set dirName = `echo $dirCount | awk '{printf "%03d", $1}'`
@ perDirCount = 0
mkdir ../hardMaskedFa/$dirName
/bin/rm -f chr.list
/bin/touch chr.list
foreach chrom ( `twoBitInfo /data/genomes/ricCom1/ricCom1.2bit stdout | cut -f1` )
  if ($perDirCount < $perDirLimit) then
    @ perDirCount += 1
    @ dirCount += 1
    set dirName = `echo $dirCount | awk '{printf "%03d", $1}'`
    set perDirCount = 1
    mkdir ../hardMaskedFa/$dirName
  echo $dirName/$chrom.fa >> chr.list

The gensub2 constructs the jobList:

gensub2 chr.list single template jobList

Typical parasol cluster run:

para make jobList
para check
para time > run.time
cat run.time
Completed: 25763 of 25763 jobs
CPU time in finished jobs:         86s       1.43m     0.02h    0.00d  0.000 y
IO & Wait Time:                 65591s    1093.18m    18.22h    0.76d  0.002 y
Average job time:                   3s       0.04m     0.00h    0.00d
Longest finished job:               6s       0.10m     0.00h    0.00d
Submission to last job:           261s       4.35m     0.07h    0.00d