CSHL Genecats

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Revision as of 20:58, 27 May 2008 by Jsanborn (talk | contribs) (Scheduled Cancer talks)
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Here are the June 2008 Gencats dates devoted to CSHL. I propose we each pick a general area (e.g. Zack: cancer and medical genomics, Craig: comp geno, Sol: variation, Kate: functional genomics), giving highlights of talks we liked, and showing a few (1-3) leading strand sessions (depending on how long our summary is).

Please pick a session, list your topic(s), and the Leading Strand sessions you would like to show. I will try to arrange additional viewing outside of Genecats for interested parties. So we can maximize our allocation, also list how many hours you will be using from your allocation (25 per attendee is allocated).


June 11

 Presenter(s): Craig
 Topic(s): Evo Gen - Comp Gen
 Leading strand talks to broadcast: Herrero, Kellis, Noonen
 Leading strand hours available to share:

June 25

 Presenter(s):  (not Craig)
 Leading strand talks to broadcast:
 Leading strand hours available to share:

July 2

 Presenter(s): Zack
 Topic(s): Cancer & Medical Genomics
 Leading strand talks to broadcast: 3 talks, TBD
 Leading strand hours available to share: 20