Human/hg19/GRCh37 46-way multiple alignment

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Revision as of 23:21, 3 December 2009 by Hiram (talk | contribs) (Multiple Trees)
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The 46 species multiple alignment on human/hg19/GRCh37 is an extra large bit of work. A discussion of the phylogenetic trees used in the alignment is included here.


The initial release of this track include a phylogenetic tree that had two small errors in it. 46way.nh
Namely: Baboon (papHam1) and Rhesus (rheMac2) were specified as separate nodes instead of correctly sister species. The same problem is present for Wallaby (macEug1) and Opossum (monDom5). The discussion below includes a corrected phylogenetic tree.

Corrected Tree

I'm currently rerunning a test with the multiple alignment and phastCons/phyloP annotations to see if the corrected tree makes any significant difference in the result. I'm expecting the difference to be minor. In the meantime, included here is a corrected tree:


Multiple Trees

For the phyloP/phastCons calculations, there are a number of trees that were used.

There is a set of trees with branch lengths calculated based only on the ordinary chromosomes without chrX, and a set of trees calculated based only on chrX.

Within those two categories, there are three trees with branch lengths calculated from subsets of the 46 species:

  1. primate subset only
  2. placental mammal subset only
  3. all 46 vertebrates

Thus, there are six different phylogenetic trees.