User:Cristina Gonzalez-Aguilera

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PhD Degree (2009) Department of Genetic, Faculty of Biology, University of Seville, Spain. PhD supervisors: Prof. Andres Aguilera López and Dr. Rosa Luna Varo. Actual Position: Postdoctoral researchers at Andalusian Center for Developmental Biology, CSIC-University of Pablo de Olavide, Seville, Spain. Working in the group of Dr. Peter Askjaer.


- González-Aguilera, C., Tous, C., Babiano R., de la Cruz J., Luna, R:, and Aguilera, A (2011) Nab2 functions in the metabolism of RNA driven by polymerases II and III. Mol. Biol. Cell 22(15):2729-40 - Tous C., Rondon A.G:, García-Rubio M., González-Aguilera C., Luna R. and Aguilera A (2011) A novel in vivo assay identifies new roles for the Nup84 complex and RNA processing factors in transcription elongation. EMBO J. 30(10):1953-64 - Jimeno, S., Tous, C., Ranes, M., González-Aguilera, C., Marín, A., and Aguilera, A (2011) A new eukaryotic complex,Thp3-Csn12, with a role in transcription elongation. Mol. Cell. Biol. 31(4):674-85 - Faza, MB, Kemmler, S, Jimeno S, González-Aguilera, C, Aguilera, A, Hurt E., y Vikram Govind Panse (2009) Sem1 is a functional component of the nuclear pore complex associated mRNA export machinery J. Cell. Biol. 184, 833-846 - Luna, R. González-Aguilera, C. y Aguilera A (2009) Transcription at the proximity of the nuclear pore: A role of the Thp1-Sac3-Sus1-Cdc31 complex. RNA Biol. 6, 1-4 - Gaillard H, Tous C, Botet J, González-Aguilera C, Quintero MJ, Viladevall L, García-Rubio ML, Rodríguez-Gil A, Marín A, Ariño J, Revuelta JL, Chávez S, y Aguilera A (2009) Genome-Wide análisis of factors affecting transcription elongation and DNA repair: a new role for PAF and Ccr4-Not in transcription-Coupled Repair. PLoS Genetics. 5(2), e1000364 - Luna, R., Gaillard, H., Gonzalez-Aguilera, C. Aguilera, A (2008) Biogenesis of mRNPs: integrating different processes in the eukaryotic nucleus. Chromosoma 117(4), 319-331 - Gonzalez-Aguilera, C., Tous, C., Gomez-Gonzalez, B., Huertas, P., Luna, R., y Aguilera, A (2008) The THP1-SAC3-SUS1-CDC31 complex works in transcription elongation-mRNA export preventing RNA-mediated genome instability.Mol. Biol. Cell 19(10), 4310-4318