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A. Career overview. 2009-now Professor Epigenetics, University Antwerp 2008 Professor Epigenetics, Unviersity Gent 2001-2009 FWO postdoc, LEGEST lab Prof. G. Haegeman, UGent 2000 Postod University Oxford, L. Mahadevan, NSL lab 1992-1999 PhD student University Gent, lab Prof. W. Fiers

B. Papers published • Beyaert, R., Cuenda, A., Vanden Berghe, W., Plaisance, S., Lee, J.C., Haegeman, G., Cohen, P. & Fiers, W. The p38/RK mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway regulates interleukin-6 synthesis in response to tumour necrosis factor. EMBO J. 15, 1914-1923, 1996 (IF 12,4) • Vanden Berghe, W., Plaisance, S., Boone, E., De Bosscher, K., Schmitz, M.L., Fiers, W. & Haegeman, G. p38 and extracellular signal-regulated kinase mitogen activated protein kinase pathways are required for nuclear factorkB p65 transactivation mediated by tumor necrosis factor. J. Biol. Chem. 273, 3285-3290, 1998 (IF 7,2) • Vanden Berghe, W., Francesconi, E., De Bosscher, K., Resche-Rigon, M., Haegeman, G. Dissociated glucocorticoids with anti-inflammatory potential repress interleukin-6 gene expression by a nuclear factor-kB-dependent mechanism. Mol. Pharmacol. 56, 797-806, 1999. (IF 5,2) • Vanden Berghe, W., De Bosscher, K., Boone, E., Plaisance, S., Haegeman, G. The nuclear factor-kB engages CBP/p300 and histone acetyltransferase activity for transcriptional activation of the interleukin-6 gene promotor. J. Biol. Chem. 274, 32091-32098, 1999. (IF 7,2) • Vanden Berghe, W., Vermeulen, L., De Wilde, G., De Bosscher, K., Boone, E., Haegeman, G. Signal transduction by tumor necrosis factor and gene regulation of the inflammatory cytokine interleukin-6. Biochem. Pharmacol. 60, 1185-1195, 2000.(IF 4,5) • Vanden Berghe, W., De Bosscher, K., Haegeman, G. The interplay between nuclear receptors and NFkB or AP1: molecular mechanisms for gene repression. Endocr. Rev., 24(4), 488-522, 2003. (IF 26,4) • Vermeulen, L., De Wilde, G., Van Damme, P., Vanden Berghe, W., Haegeman, G. Transcriptional activation of the NFkB p65 subunit by mitogen- and stress-activated protein kinase-1 (MSK1). EMBO Journal, 22(6), 1313-1324, 2003. (IF 12,4) • Dijsselbloem, N., Vanden Berghe, W., De Naeyer, A. en Haegeman, G. Phyto-estrogens: multi-purpose compounds at the crossroad of hormone replacement, anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory therapy? Biochem. Pharm., 68, 1171-1185, 2004. (IF 4,5) • De Bosscher, K., Vanden Berghe, W., Beck, I., Lauw, A., Hapgood, J., Haegeman, G. Anti-inflammatory capacities of a plant-derived, non-steroidal contraceptive compound. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 102(44),15827-15832, 2005. (IF 10,2) • De Bosscher, K., Vanden Berghe, W. en Haegeman, G. Cross-talk between nuclear receptors and NFkB, Oncogene 25: 6868-6886, 2006. (IF 6,9) • Vanden Berghe W, Ndlovu MN, Hoya-Arias R, Dijsselbloem N, Gerlo S, Haegeman G. Keeping up NFkB appearances: Epigenetic control of immunity or inflammation-triggered epigenetics. Biochem Pharmacol. 72(9):1114-31, 2006. (IF 4,5) • Vanden Berghe, W., Dijsselbloem, N., Vermeulen, L., Ndlovu, M., Boone, E. & Haegeman, G. Attenuation of mitogen- and stress-activated protein kinase-1-driven nuclear factor-kappaB gene expression by soy isoflavones does not require estrogenic activity. Cancer Res. 66(9),4852-4862, 2006b. (IF 7,7) • Kaileh, M., Vanden Berghe, W., Heyerick, A., Horion,, J.,Piette, J., Libert, C., De Keukeleire, D.,Essawi, T.,Haegeman, G. Withaferin A strongly elicits IKKbeta hyperphosphorylation, concomitant with potent inhibition of its kinase activity. J. Biol. Chem. 282(7), 4253-64, 2007 (IF 6,0) • Dijsselbloem, N., Goriely, S., Albarani, V., Gerlo, S., Francoz, S., Marine, JC, Goldman, M., Haegeman, G. & Vanden Berghe, W. A critical role for p53 in the control of NF-κB-dependent gene expression in TLR4-stimulated dendritic cells exposed to genistein. J. Immunol. 178(8), 5048-57, 2007 (IF 6,4) • Gerlo, S., Haegeman, G.& Vanden Berghe, W., Transcriptional regulation of autocrine IL-6 expression in multiple myeloma cells. Cell Signal. 2008 Aug;20(8):1489-96. (IF 4,2) • Beck, I.M.E., Vanden Berghe, W., Vermeulen, L., Haegeman, G., De Bosscher, K. Glucocorticoid-mediated anti-inflammatory activity involves spatio-temporal dynamics of MSK1, without affecting MSK1 kinase activity, EMBO J. 2008 Jun 18;27(12):1682-93. (IF 10,1) • Vermeulen L, Vanden Berghe W, Beck IM, De Bosscher K, Haegeman G. The versatile role of MSKs in transcriptional regulation.Trends Biochem Sci. 2009 Jun;34(6):311-8. (IF 15,0) • ‘Matladi N. Ndlovu, Van Lint, C., Chalbos, D., Haegeman, G., Vanden Berghe, W. Changes in chromatin accessibility across the IL6 promoter in metastatic breast cancer cells are dependent on constitutive AP 1 and NFkB proteins, Mol Cell Biol. 2009 Oct;29(20):5488-504 (IF 6,4) • Beck IM, Vanden Berghe W, Vermeulen L, Yamamoto KR, Haegeman G, De Bosscher K. Crosstalk in Inflammation: The Interplay of Glucocorticoid Receptor-Based Mechanisms and Kinases and Phosphatases.Endocr Rev. 2009, 30(7):830-82 (IF 18,5) • Beck IM, Vanden Berghe W, Gerlo S, Bougarne N, Vermeulen L, De Bosscher K, Haegeman G. Glucocorticoids and mitogen- and stress-activated protein kinase 1 inhibitors: possible partners in the combat against inflammation. Biochem Pharmacol. 2009 Apr 1;77(7):1194-205. (IF 4,5) • Vandegehuchte, M.,Lemière, F.,Vanhaecke, L., Vanden Berghe W., Janssen,Colin R. Direct and transgenerational impact on Daphnia magna of chemicals with a known effect on DNA methylation. Comp Biochem Physiol C Toxicol Pharmacol. 2010 Apr;151(3):278-85 (IF 2,7) • Suttana W, Mankhetkorn S, Poompimon W, Palagani A, Zhokhov S, Gerlo S, Haegeman G, Vanden Berghe W. Differential chemosensitization of P-glycoprotein overexpressing K562/Adr cells by withaferin A and Siamois polyphenols. Mol Cancer. 2010 May 3;9:99. (IF 4,2) • Kontogiorgis, C.A.; Bompou, E.M.; Ntella, M.; Vanden Berghe, W. Natural Products from Mediterranean Diet: From Anti-Inflammatory Agents to Dietary Epigenetic Modulators. Anti-Inflammatory & Anti-Allergy Agents in Medicinal Chemistry 9: 101-124 (2010). (IF 4,7) • Vanden Berghe W, Haegeman G. Epigenetic remedies by dietary phytochemicals against inflammatory skin disorders: myth or reality? Curr Drug Metab. 2010 Jun 1;11(5):436-50 (IF 4,0) • Szarc Vel Szic K, Ndlovu MN, Haegeman G, Vanden Berghe W. Nature or nurture: Let food be your epigenetic medicine in chronic inflammatory disorders. Biochem Pharmacol. 2010 Aug 3. (IF 4,2) • García-Rivera D, Delgado R, Bougarne N, Haegeman G, Vanden Berghe W. Gallic acid indanone and mangiferin xanthone are strong determinants of immunosuppressive anti-tumour effects of Mangifera indica L. bark in MDA-MB231 breast cancer cells. Cancer Lett. 2011 Jun 1;305(1):21-31. (IF 4,8) • Vanden Berghe W, De Naeyer A, Dijsselbloem N, David JP, De Keukeleire D, Haegeman G. Endocr Metab Immune Disord Drug Targets. 2011 Sep 1;11(3):247-61. Attenuation of ERK/RSK2-driven NFκB gene expression and cancer cell proliferation by kurarinone, a lavandulyl flavanone isolated from Sophora flavescens ait. roots. (IF not yet available) • Szarc vel Szic, K, Palagani, A., Hassania, B., Sabbe, L., Heyninck, K., Haegeman, G., Vanden Berghe, W., Phytochemicals and cancer chemoprevention: epigenetic friends or foe?, Bookchapter in Phytochemicals- Bioactivities and impact on health, 2011, ISBN 979-953-307-609-5 • Mortier, G., Vanden Berghe W., Genomics, epigenetics & growth, Bookchapter in Human Growth and Development, editors Noel Cameron-Barry Bogin, 2011