Little Tools

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Revision as of 16:30, 14 September 2006 by Max (talk | contribs)
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This is supposed to become a little collection of tools to facilitate everyday work with the UCSC file formats/tools. It's possible that they already exist somewhere in the the source tree but since I originally had (and there still is) so little documentation for the source tree, I might have overlooked them. I'm trying to add one per week. Please add comments here if you think that something can be done easier with a tool from the source tree.

bedProject Will add or substract numbers from positions in a bed file (gawk)
bedTotalSize Prints length of region covered by bedfile (python)
bedRegion Prints the maximum range coverd by a bed (gawk)
ucsc Uploads a file to your favorite ftp server and displays it on the UCSC of your choice with firefox (bash)
log little scripts to keep logfiles of what you are doing, very handy (bash)
bedBlastLift script to lift features from one sequence to another using tblastx (python)
bedFlanking annotate flanking genes to bed file (C, with jklib)
bedInverseExons Inverses exon numbering (python)