Moving a Branch Tag

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Revision as of 23:53, 17 November 2007 by Hartera (talk | contribs)
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How? ("Who" in parenthesis)

  1. (Build-Meister): Check the CVS log to make sure that you are only picking up only one change (between the last branch and the developer's change).
  2. (Build-Meister): Tell the program which file and version you want to change to. hgwbeta:/cluster/bin/build/scripts> vi MoveBranchTagFiles.conf Edit this file to include the file name and new version number like so: hg/$CGI/fileName.c 1.234
  3. (Build-Meister): Do a test run and verify that everything is set up correctly: hgwbeta:/cluster/bin/build/scripts/moveBranchTag.csh
  4. (Build-Meister): If it is correct, run it for real: hgwbeta:/cluster/bin/build/scripts/moveBranchTag.csh real
  5. (Build-Meister): Determine which CGIs are affected by this file change: hgwbeta:/usr/local/apache/cgi-bin> dependencies fileName.c
  6. (Build-Meister): Go to the current build: hgwbeta> cd $BUILDDIR
  7. (Build-Meister): Determine the current branch number. It will be the most recent directory that looks like "v---_branch". hgwbeta:/data/tmp/releaseBuild> ls -ltr
  8. (Build-Meister): Do a 'make' in the library directory, if necessary. If the file change was a lib file, then do a make in the corresponding lib directory: hgwbeta:/data/tmp/releaseBuild/vXYZ_branch/kent/src/hg/lib> make -or- hgwbeta:/data/tmp/releaseBuild/vXYZ_branch/kent/src/lib> make
  9. (Build-Meister): Do a 'make alpha' in the CGI directories that are impacted by the change: hgwbeta:/data/tmp/releaseBuild/vXYZ_branch/kent/src/hg/hgTracks> make alpha
  10. (Build-Meister): Reply to the email to the Developer and browser-qa that the tag has been moved and binaries made on hgwbeta.
  11. (QA): Test the change on hgwbeta.
  12. (QA): Reply to the email about the efficacy of the change.