Debugging cgi-scripts
See also:
- README.debug in the source tree
- Debug the cgi-scripts with GDB
Debugging with GDB
Complete instructions:
make sure you have compiled with -ggdb and without optimizations (so we can see all variables) by adding
export COPT="-O0 -ggdb"
to your .bashrc (if using bash). Or add to .cshrc (if using csh or tcsh)
setenv COPT "-O0 -ggdb"
You might need to make clean; make cgi afterwards. Also make sure that the CGIs use the right hg.conf. Run
export HGDB_CONF=<PATHTOCGIS>/hg.conf
cd cgi-bin gdb --args hgc 'hgsid=4777921&c=chr21&o=27542938&t=27543085&g=pubsDevBlat&i=1000235064'
To not forget the quotes, do not include the question mark from your internet browser.
To get a stacktrace of the place where it's aborting:
break errAbort run where
To discover the CGI parameters used in form submissions add
to a CGI URL and submit. With this in the cart, form submission will use GET and the CGI parameters maybe obtained from the resulting URL for use with gdb.
Get coredumps from CGIs
Add this to the apache virtualhost CGI-BIN directory config to make errabort.c produce coredumps instead of errAbort error messages. You can then call gdb with
gdb /usr/local/apache/cgi-bin/hgTracks
Add this to the main apache config /etc/apache2/apache2.conf to make apache allow coredumps
CoreDumpDirectory /tmp
If you're using apparmor, you'll need to deactivate it or change apparmor's config (/etc/default/apport).
sudo vi /etc/default/apport add enabled=1
sudo vi /etc/sysctl.conf add kernel.core_pattern=/usr/local/dump/core.%e.%p.%s.%t fs.suid_dumpable=2
sudo vi /etc/security/limits.conf add root soft core unlimited root hard core unlimited www-data soft core unlimited www-data hard core unlimited
Don't forget to restart apache.
Finding memory problems with valgrind
Sometimes the program crashes at random places, because the stack or other datastructures have been destroyed by rogue code. You need valgrind to find the buggy code.
Run the program like this:
valgrind --tool=memcheck --leak-check=yes pslMap ~max/pslMapProblem.psl ~max/pslMap-dm3-refseq.psl out.temp
CGI is too slow
First thing to try: Add the "measureTiming=1" parameter to the CGI call.
If you still have no idea, you can ctrl-C and look for where it's stuck. Or run gprof, to show how much CPU time each function takes, or valgrind, which includes most of the I/O time.
If you cannot ctrl-c because it's a CGI that needs very special POST parameters, you can attach to a running CGI to see where it's stuck:
sudo gdb /usr/local/apache/cgi-bin/hgLiftOver `pidof hgLiftOver`
Profiling with gprof
First, recompile with another gcc option added or add it to your .bashrc
export COPT='-ggdb -pg'
Running the programs now will create a file gmon.out in the current working directory.
Run hgTracks (e.g. through apache), go to the cgi-bin directory and run gprof on the newly created gprof file:
gprof hgTracks gmon.out | less
hgTracks with the default tracks gave me this today:
Each sample counts as 0.01 seconds. % cumulative self self total time seconds seconds calls ms/call ms/call name 17.65 0.06 0.06 1145954 0.00 0.00 hashLookup 8.82 0.09 0.03 281068 0.00 0.00 cloneString 5.88 0.11 0.02 113781 0.00 0.00 hashAdd 5.88 0.13 0.02 113781 0.00 0.00 hashAddN 5.88 0.15 0.02 67666 0.00 0.00 lmCloneString 4.41 0.17 0.02 lmCloneMem 2.94 0.18 0.01 1055248 0.00 0.00 hashFindVal
Profiling with valgrind
Gprof shows you only CPU time. If you're stuck in I/O somewhere, gprof won't show it. You need to do ctrl-c a few times (best) or you can use valgrind again
valgrind --tool=callgrind --dump-instr=yes --simulate-cache=yes --collect-jumps=yes hgTracks callgrind_annotate callgrind.out.<yourPID> | less
The tool kCacheGrind allows better inspection of the results than callgrind_annotate, but is a GUI program. It's on the big dev VM.
How to set the right hg.conf for CGIs on the command line
There are two ways: change to CGI-BIN or stay in src/hg/hgTracks. See above for the variable to direct hgTracks to the right hg.conf.
Otherways, Angie sez:
I actually want this setting from my ~/.hg.conf:
Otherwise, since my gdb is running as angie not apache, there is a permissions error when trying to update udcCache files. But then, when I run hgTracks on the command line, I generally run in ~/kent/src/hg/hgTracks not /usr/local/apache/cgi-bin-angie. So changing the hgConfig logic to look for ./hg.conf would not affect my gdb usage. (my ~/kent/src/hg/trash is a symlink to /usr/local/apache/trash, and hg/.gitignore has trash and */ct/*)
BTW this is the entire non-comment contents of my ~/.hg.conf :
include /usr/local/apache/cgi-bin-angie/hg.conf db.user=XXXX db.password=XXXX udc.cacheDir=/data/tmp/angie/udcCacheCmdLine
So there is very little difference between cgi-bin-angie/hg.conf and ~/.hg.conf . Why not use your ~/.hg.conf for gdb debugging?