Keep your tracks separate from the UCSC trackdb
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by Mark Diekhans on mailing list:
Hi Terry, I would highly suggest keeping your track meta-data in your own source tree rather than mix them in with the mirrored ucsc tree. These can then be loaded into their own trackDb and hgFindSpec tables (say trackDb_furey and hgFindSpec_furey). Track definitions can then be merged with the mirrored UCSC trackDb at run time by specified them as a comma-separated list in the hg.conf file: db.trackDb=trackDb_furey,trackDb multiple trackDb tables can be merged at run time, mine currently contains: db.trackDb=trackDb_markdAvainBacs,trackDb_markd_sfrs1,trackDb_markd,trackDb This allows you to safely manage your tracks outside of the UCSC CVS tree and doesn't require you to reload your tracks with a new trackDb table is rsynced from ucsc. Given that, your files should be left alone when you do a `cvs update -Pd', however I would back them up just in case. Note that `cvs update -Pd', should always be used for updating the ucsc see ya in DC, Mark